10th of Ramadan railway project alignment
10th of Ramadan railway. CREDIT: CREC

TSO and Orascom JV Awarded Light Rail Contract in Egypt

A joint venture (JV) of TSO and Orascom Construction has been awarded a $112.5m contract by a consortium of China Railway Group and AVIC International to build the track for a light rail line in Egypt. In August 2017, the consortium of Chinese companies was awarded a $1.24bn contract to build the 10th of Ramadan […]

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dakar freight railway

TSO Completes Reconstruction of Dakar Rail Freight Line

DAKAR, SENEGAL: Reconstruction of the legacy metre-gauge freight rail line in Dakar is now complete. The consortium of NGE Contracting, CIM and CDE led by TSO had been tasked with rebuilding and realigning the metre-gauge freight railway line linking Dakar with Diamniadio as part of the Regional Express Train (TER) programme. The new freight rail

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