CAF SIGNALLING, a subsidiary of CAF Group, designs, manufactures, supplies and maintains railway signalling systems. The company provides integrated solutions for onboard and wayside applications. Its products and services fall under five product lines:

  • AURIGA family: ERTMS Level 1, Level 2 and ATO over ERTMS (L2 + ATO)
  • QUASAR family: Electronic Interlocking
  • NAOS family: Integrated Control Centre
  • SAM: Trackside Signalling Maintenance System

CAF SIGNALLING has its own technology, a top expertise in engineering and the ability to manage projects from initiation to completion, including testing, commissioning and maintenance. Its range of products and services includes complete solutions for all types of rail systems:

  • Conventional lines
  • High-speed lines
  • Trams, metros, light rail and suburban trains
  • Subways and high-density transport
  • Freight lines

CAF SIGNALLING’s customers in Africa include:

  • Office National des Chemins de Fer du Maroc (ONCF) – Morocco
  • Egypt National Railways (ENR) – Egypt
  • Société Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires (SNTF) – Algeria
  • Metro Express Ltd (MEL) – Mauritius
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