INNOVIA Monorail 300 train for Cairo

Bombardier to establish Engineering Academy in Cairo

Bombardier Transportation announced its plans to establish an Engineering Academy in Cairo to develop the next generation of skilled Bombardier engineers for its mobility projects in Egypt and beyond. The announcement was made on the opening day of the TransMEA 2020 Exhibition in Cairo on November 22.

The Engineering Academy will be open to recent engineering graduates in Egypt who are interested in developing a long-term career in rail transportation with Bombardier. The training program will provide a structured series of work placements on the Cairo monorail project, as well as classroom-based tuition and online tuition, individual assignments and mentoring. It will be aligned with established and proven Bombardier engineering systems and processes. Once they have completed the program successfully, the engineers will have access to the Bombardier international job career path.

“The Bombardier Transportation Engineering Academy will be an exciting post-graduate program giving talented young Engineers the benefit of practical work experience combined with the opportunity to learn from international engineering experts from a world-leading mobility provider.”

Ahmed Eldamanhoury, Managing Director Egypt at Bombardier Transportation
Things to note about the Academy
  • Bombardier Transportation will officially launch the recruitment for the program early next year.
  • The company aims to recruit up to 15 engineers for its first Engineering Academy.
  • Further intakes will be conducted in the years that follow.
  • Bombardier will promote the program at Recruitment Fairs, on its LinkedIn page and on its careers website Applications must be submitted online via the careers website.
Read Also:  Egyptian-Chinese consortium wins bid for high-speed rail project

Bombardier has been a long-term partner to Egypt’s railways since the 1970s. Its latest project is the design-build contract for Cairo Monorail system consisting of two new lines and incorporating 70 BOMBARDIER INNOVIA monorail 300 four-car trains and the BOMBARDIER CITYFLO 650 communication-based train control (CBTC) signalling technology.

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